Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Top Ten Date-Producing Countries, 2001

The chart shows the top ten date producing countries in 2001. These countries in North Africa and the Arabian Gulf, which are famous for exporting dates to the world. It shows which country takes the first place in production in the world.
Egypt takes the top place for date producing in the world. It’s about one million and one hundred thousand tones. Iran produces two hundred thousand tones less than Egypt. The UAE and Saudi Arabia are rivaling each other with about 740,000 tons each. Pakistan and Iraq both have production of 630,000 tones, each one. Algeria send to the world about 400 thousands tones and Oman around a ¼ million. In Lastly, Sudan’s and Libya’s crops yielded under 0.2 million each.
Finally, some of these countries are producing more than 800 thousand tones like Egypt and Iran. Also some countries between 400 to 800 thousand tones like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq and Pakistan. Finally, under 400 thousand tones come from Algeria, Oman, Sudan and Libya.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pie Charts: Valentine’s Day Gifts

These pie charts show what the men and women buy for each other on Valentine’s Day in the USA. Both of them take the first choice of cards 18% of men and 27% of women. For the candy women choose more than men. 21% for women and 14% for men.16% of men like to buy flowers but for women just 11%. 10% of men buy jewelry but, for women just 9%. Also 7% of men choose to buy lingerie, but just 4% of women. 6% of men like to buy personal care for women, where as just 1% of women like to buy personal care for men. 10% of women buy perfume for men, while only 4% of men choose perfume. 25% of men and 17% of women buy other things.
The main choice for both men and women are cards, however and candy. 48% of men and 59% of women buy these things.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UK Budget: Where the money goes

This pie chart shows the information on UK government spending in 1996. The total budget spent is £ 315 billion.
The government spent a lot of this money on social security, £100 billion. Secondly it spent on health and personal social services about £53 billion. Education took £38 billion. £25 billion was spent on Debt interest and £22 billion on Defence. Also the government spent £17 billion on law and order, £15 billion on housing, heritage and environment and £13 billion on Industry, agriculture and employment. The government spent £9 billion on transport. Other expenditure was £23 billion.
The main feature in the pie chart is the large amount spent on social security, twice the amount spent on the next two biggest categories combined, health and education.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Journey from Brunei to Sarawak

Thirty years ago, Headley, with his wife Mary and daughter Katie, visited the Niah Caves in Sarawak, East Malaysia. They travelled by car, ferry, and boat.

They sat off from Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei and drove to the border with Sarawak. They cross two large rivers by ferry, stopped in Miri for lunch and then continued to Niah, a small river township. Then they have a small boat and soil upriver to a government rest house, where they spondee the night. They ate with the small group of scientists who lived in the rest house and shared the cold drinks they had brought with them in a cool box. It was a remote spot, deep in the jungle. They walk in bunk beds with no aircinditioning. It reached a novel experience.

The next morning, they saw along a jungle path for half an hour until they climb the Niah caves. Inside the caves, which were very high, they wear men who scrape up tall bamboo poles. The men collected lights on their hats because it was so dark. At the top of the poles they pack of birds’ nests from the roof of the caves. The nests were sold by their mates n the cave floor and made into sacks. These nests were later say and set off into bird’s nest soup, a Chinese delicacy.

That afternoon, they said goodbye to their new-found friends in the rest house and set off on the long drive home. It was quite an adventure and one they would never forget.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I learn to use the comparison vocabulary and phrases, when I write the essay. Like some words can help when I start to think how to write the essay (although – while – however – but – unfortunately). Also I know the grammar (past – present – future).
How to divide the essay between three paragraphs (between 150 – 200 words) and four paragraphs (between 250 – 400 words).  Start with an introduction saying what you are going to write about.     In the body write about the topic and give the examples. In the conclusion write your opinion about the topic.

How to make butter

The milk moves it in the different steps to get special for the product to sale and used for customers in the supermarket. First, check the fresh milk for the quality and also fat contact. The second step, is to take the milk to  cool. After that separate the cream. Also the churn the cream. Third, start to drain the butter milk from the butter. Fourth, place the butter in a jar. The fifth step is to wash the butter with cold water, to remove remaining butter milk. Last step, add a small amount of salt for flavor. Also  cut and wrap the butter and store it in a fridge before you eat it.
All in all, that is what we do now to make butter.