Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pie Charts: Valentine’s Day Gifts

These pie charts show what the men and women buy for each other on Valentine’s Day in the USA. Both of them take the first choice of cards 18% of men and 27% of women. For the candy women choose more than men. 21% for women and 14% for men.16% of men like to buy flowers but for women just 11%. 10% of men buy jewelry but, for women just 9%. Also 7% of men choose to buy lingerie, but just 4% of women. 6% of men like to buy personal care for women, where as just 1% of women like to buy personal care for men. 10% of women buy perfume for men, while only 4% of men choose perfume. 25% of men and 17% of women buy other things.
The main choice for both men and women are cards, however and candy. 48% of men and 59% of women buy these things.

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